New in School Chapter 4 Page 23
Only two pages remain in Albert the Alien (this story arc, anyway), and this is one of them!
So the rumors about the mysterious locker #13 was started by the Principal and Vice Principal to keep the kids out of the locker. As VP Ming says, there’s dangerous stuff back there. The Principal says Albert wasn’t put into this school by chance – so clearly someone ELSE knows about this alien door, too. I wonder if that may be Col Ty Fighter and his B.A.A. team…?
This is where we introduce the larger story arc (what I call “the C story”), which we’ll be exploring throughout the length of Albert the Alien. And with one more page left to this story arc, we’re about to get an introduction to the next arc…see you Friday for that!
In April, Gabe and I will be attending C2E2 here in Chicago. I’ll be working the Reading with Pictures booth along with good friends Jim McClain and Russell Lissau. Gabe will be in artist alley.
Both of us will have copies of Albert available for sale, along with some other great books, original art, and we’ll both be available to take commissions.
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