April Fools!

This April Fools strips pulls a prank in two ways:

1) It updates on Tuesday instead of the usual Wednesday (we’ll still update on Friday, I promise).
2) It takes the premise of issue 3 but makes Albert act like a total jerk-face, and not his normal heroic self. Albert would never really abandon Earth and leave us to our fate – he would always look for a solution and help us solve the problem. Against all odds, Albert would find a way to save the day. But in this strip, because we wanted to pick on Col Ty Fighter a bit, we let Albert be a jerk for a single page. As a joke.

In any case, the timing was perfect for this since we’re between chapters. Starting Friday will be the new chapter – and new story arc – for Albert the Alien, entitled: The Substitute Teacher from Planet X!

See you then!

In April, Gabe and I will be attending C2E2 here in Chicago. I’ll be working the Reading with Pictures booth along with good friends Jim McClain and Russell Lissau. Gabe will be in artist alley.

Both of us will have copies of Albert available for sale, along with some other great books, original art, and we’ll both be available to take commissions.